Disabled drivers advised to not display blue badges overnight after five thefts in Northampton

Albion Place car parkAlbion Place car park
Albion Place car park
Disabled drivers are being warned over 'spate' of blue badge thefts in Northampton after thieves broke into a car belonging to an 82-year-old.

Five disabled badges have been stolen from cars parked in the county during the last week, a source from Northamptonshire County Council has confirmed.

One incident took place between 8.30pm and 10pm, on Thursday, November 10 where the front driver’s side window of a grey and navy Toyota Auris was smashed and the disabled parking badge was taken.

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The badge, which belonged to 82-year-old woman was stolen from Albion Place Car Park, the Chronicle & Echo reported last week.

The source, who wants to remain anonymous, told the Chron that there was a spate of blue badge thefts around Northampton.

They said: “Unfortunately, these badges are worth money on the black market and blue badge crime is on the up. Not saying that is the case in Northamptonshire, however, as these badges are used all over the country. “Another reason may possibly be that people are facing hardship and will look at savings any way they can so they use these badge for free parking. These are my gut feelings as to why the thefts are happening. What other motives can there be?”

The source has advised blue badge holders to “make sure they’re not on display when they are not being used, as the crimes seem to take place overnight”.

Police are appealing for any information and can be contacted on 101.