Residents raise concerns about plans for 16 new homes in Northamptonshire village

West Northamptonshire Council will be deciding on the application at a meeting on Wednesday, April 21West Northamptonshire Council will be deciding on the application at a meeting on Wednesday, April 21
West Northamptonshire Council will be deciding on the application at a meeting on Wednesday, April 21
Developers want to build a mix of affordable housing and market housing

An application recommended for approval to build 16 houses in the village of Long Buckby has raised some concerns from residents.

An outline application for the construction of 16 houses with associated vehicular access, parking and landscaping is due to go before West Northamptonshire Council’s Interim Planning Committee on Wednesday (April 21).

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A report to the committee states the majority of the proposed layout and access sits within the village confines as defined for Long Buckby in the Part Two Local Plan.

The application site sits between established residential development along Watson Road and recently completed and ongoing residential development off the east side of Station Road and Blincow Road.

The report states it is considered the infringement beyond the village confines would not result in significant harm that would outweigh the benefits of the development in terms of provision of additional affordable and market housing and resulting section 106 agreement which would mitigate the impact of the proposal.

Neighbours have submitted several letters mainly raising the following:

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* Support the implementation of all the suggestions in the Low Impact Ecology Assessment Report;

* Concern about proximity of dwellings to boundary with specific concern about two trees (Oak and redwood);

* Concerns that future owners may undertake work to these trees;

* Query the boundary of the application site as there is an existing fence approximately seven feet further into the proposed development starting half way across the garden of 14 Watson Road continuing up to Floyers Farm;

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* Loss of amenity as a result of houses backing right on to existing garden boundaries; Impact on amenities in the villages which are already overstretched eg doctor’s surgery, infant school;

* Query over site levels and whether site will be lowered as with adjoining former church site; Query as to whether the alleyway between the site and existing properties on Watson Road will be swallowed up by this development. The alleyway appears to be kept in place on the other side; Concerns about construction traffic particularly on Station Road;

* Nuisance from construction work;

* Concerns from occupants of newly constructed/occupied properties on Blincow Road and St Josephs Court about loss of privacy and overlooking as a result of dwellings being on much higher lands than their property.

The application seeks permission in outline for the development of up to 16 dwellings with all matters reserved except for layout and access which are to be determined at this stage.

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The scheme will comprise a mix of affordable housing and market housing with a mix of house types to include five, two bed units, nine, three bed units, and two four bed units.

The advice section of the report states that subject to the completion of a 106 agreement that the application should be approved subject to the following conditions: the 106 agreement should seek to secure; secondary education contributions, library contributions, affordable housing, public open space contributions and health contributions (as advised by the Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Group)

On completion of the 106 agreement, the application be approved subject to several conditions.