Permanent make-up clinic in Northampton enhances your looks

Permanent make-up can boost your confidence and natural beauty – this bespoke service can enhance your true looksPermanent make-up can boost your confidence and natural beauty – this bespoke service can enhance your true looks
Permanent make-up can boost your confidence and natural beauty – this bespoke service can enhance your true looks
Wouldn’t it be lovely to wake up in the morning looking the best version of you – without having to spend hours putting on your make-up before you can face the world?

True Enhancements offers permanent make-up solutions which enhance your face’s natural features and restoring them to make you look the best version of you!

This beauty treatment clinic in Northants, run by Aveline Rust, offers permanent make-up treatments which are specifically designed for you and your face, your age and your style.

Treatments include eye brows, lashliner and lip definition and colour- so that your features are enhanced to help you look your freshest and most natural from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed.

Enhance your looks with permanent make upEnhance your looks with permanent make up
Enhance your looks with permanent make up

Opting for permanent make-up is not just for vanity. As True Enhancements’ owner Aveline Rust explains, it can give women the confidence to live their life without any make up.

Debunking the myths

She says some women are so afraid to be seen without make-up it stops them from doing everyday things – popping out to the shops, going on holiday, swimming, or even letting their partner see them without it!

“I have had ladies that said they wear make-up to bed because they are so self-conscious about how they look,” said Aveline, who worked on cruise ships before retraining to become a permanent make-up practitioner.

“I’ve had clients cry after the treatment – because they feel they can now get on with their lives without thinking about it. Once they’ve done it, they feel relieved.”

Many ladies have minimal hair on their eyebrows – over-plucking in the ‘90s was a common fashion but has left many women with virtually no brow.

Getting older means most women see their eyebrow and lash hair turn lighter, which can give the appearance of having no hair, lips get thinner and less defined as we age and lashes seem less luxurious and obvious than they once were.


Aveline offers bespoke treatments from her home salon in Northampton.

“Firstly people come in for a consultation and a patch test and skin analysis and then we look at brow design,” she explained. She uses a needle to ink in the new brows, which she finds gives the finished result a lovely natural look.

The actual treatment for permanent eyebrows takes three hours and starts by mapping out the brows to your face’s shape and natural contours and bone structure, and picking a colour which matches your skin tone, age and style – much like you would when choosing a hair colour.

The process, very much like tattooing, won’t start until you are happy with the shape drawn out. Eyebrows can either be done with hairstrokes and shading for a hyper-realistic brow or ombre which is shading behind your brows – depending on what you want and how natural you’re wanting it to look.

A similar kind of tattooing can be done along the lash line of your eyes to give the appearance of thicker lashes. And colour can be put on and around the lips to give definition and some colour, giving the illusion of fuller lips, without the need for fillers.

Because it is a needle, there is minimal disruption to the skin, but full healing takes about 10 days. After that it can be up to six weeks for the full colour to come out, at which point there is a follow-up appointment where any adjustments can be made.

About True Enhancements

Aveline trained in London at the ID Liner Academy, part of the Tracie Giles Clinic in Knightsbridge – a popular spot for celebrities.

Having first worked in a clinic Aveline set up her home salon in April, which has been inspected by the local authority and passed all health and hygiene regulations.

“Having the home salon means I can offer a real bespoke service,” she said. “Appointment times can fit around the client’s needs and we don’t have to stick to regular opening times.”

Aveline is committed to boosting clients’ confidence as well as their looks.

“No two brows are the same, no two faces are the same – that’s why this is bespoke for each person,” she says. “Once it’s done, the benefits are as much about how it makes you feel, as how you look.”

She wants every woman to feel confident enough to step out of the shower and go right out of the door without any make-up – so that they just feel the most ‘natural’ version of themselves possible.

To find out more contact Aveline directly for a chat on 07445892496 and check her social media accounts for pictures and more information. Find her on facebook at and on Instagram here.

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