'˜A marvellous range of exciting futures' awaits Northampton High School sixth formers - all of whom passed their A-levels

Jasmine Smellie, Pankti Patel, Louise Penn, Eleanor Parton, celebrate their A-level grades at Northampotn High School this morning.Jasmine Smellie, Pankti Patel, Louise Penn, Eleanor Parton, celebrate their A-level grades at Northampotn High School this morning.
Jasmine Smellie, Pankti Patel, Louise Penn, Eleanor Parton, celebrate their A-level grades at Northampotn High School this morning.
More than half of Northampton High School students got an A* or A grade in another bumper year for the sixth form - even though national top grade figures had fallen.

A total of 53 per cent of all the school’s grades were an A* or A, an increase of two per cent on last year.

The year 13s also enjoyed a 100 per cent pass rate.

Head teacher Dr Helen Stringer, expressed her pride in the pupils.

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Emily Von Widekind and Alice Malin pick up their A-level results at Northampton High School.Emily Von Widekind and Alice Malin pick up their A-level results at Northampton High School.
Emily Von Widekind and Alice Malin pick up their A-level results at Northampton High School.

“It has been lovely to celebrate the girls’ successes with them and with their families this morning.

“The headlines speak for themselves but behind these lie scores of stories of individual girls turning their ambitions into reality through hard work and commitment.

“These superb results open the door for our girls to a marvellous range of exciting futures, in architecture, biomedical sciences, criminology – we could go through the alphabet.”

At Northampton High, we place great emphasis on encouraging the girls to aim high, giving them personalised support and tailoring our guidance to each individual. This is only possible, of course, because of the inspiration, expertise and dedication of our talented staff.”