Cheers! Buy into Northampton mayor's beer for Alfie Bear

Northampton's mayor, Councillor Gareth Eales (Lab, Spencer) has endorsed a beer in a bid to raise money for his chosen charity of the year.Northampton's mayor, Councillor Gareth Eales (Lab, Spencer) has endorsed a beer in a bid to raise money for his chosen charity of the year.
Northampton's mayor, Councillor Gareth Eales (Lab, Spencer) has endorsed a beer in a bid to raise money for his chosen charity of the year.
Northampton's mayor is hoping publicans will help raise money for his chosen charity by buying kegs of his new beer.

Mayor's Mash is a 4.2 per cent golden Northampton ale brewed by Phipps NBC and endorsed by Northants CAMRA, which is available for pre-order now.

And the man on its label Councillor Gareth Eales, has pledged to donate all profits from casks sold to his chosen charity for the year, Alfie Bear's Journey .

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He said: "We are now taking orders and the beer will be on sale in the near future.

"So, if you own, run or work in a pub and want to take part and sell Mayor's Mash, please get in touch. Or if you're a regular in a pub and you want your local to take part and serve up Mayor's Mash, please encourage your local to contact us. "

For more details, or to order casks of Mayor's Mash, email [email protected] or call (Northampton) 837804.

"Let's try and get this beer in as many pubs as we can and raise as much money for Alfie Bear's Journey," Councillor Eales added.

Alfie Bear's Journey raises funds for paediatric brain tumour research, to help children affected by a DIPG tumour. For more information on Alfie Bears Journey, head to the charity website here.

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