Cransley paedophile jailed after licking feet of three-year-old girl

Gavin McCarthy.Gavin McCarthy.
Gavin McCarthy.
A Cransley man who took a selfie of him licking a three-year-old girl's feet after developing an addiction to viewing child abuse images has been jailed.

Gavin McCarthy, 32, of Loddington Road, was first arrested in November 2015 after police received intelligence that his home had been used to download the sick images.

Northampton Crown Court heard that after police searched his house they found 60 indecent images of children, 26 of which were in the most serious Category A.

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McCarthy admitted that he had a porn addiction which had grown into an addiction of viewing child abuse images.

Police also found a pair of baby socks under his pillow, with McCarthy admitting having a foot fetish.

McCarthy was bailed but police were alerted that he had viewed more indecent images in May.

He handed a smart phone to police with further images on it, admitting that he “needed professional help”.

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But this was when the most serious of McCarthy’s offences took place.

The court heard how he took a picture of him licking a three-year-old girl’s feet.

McCarthy identified the victim to the police so that they were able to inform her parents.

Mitigating, James Smith-Wilds said that McCarthy felt ‘disgusted’ with himself after the enormity of what he had done had hit him and that he welcomed the opportunity for treatment.

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Judge Adrienne Lucking QC said: “This is an addiction that you simply cannot control.

“He has gone a step further and actually acted out your fantasy.

“There is a serious risk to the public posed by you.

“You clearly have a seriously distorted thinking pattern.”

Judge Lucking gave McCarthy an extended jail term of eight years.

He will serve half on licence and will only be released if deemed safe to do so.

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He will also be on the Sex Offenders Register for life and was given a Sexual Offences Prevention Order indefinitely.

Detective Andy Rogers, who leads the POLIT (Paedophile Online investigation team) said: “I hope the substantial sentence McCarthy received today helps serve as a deterrent to offenders and those considering sexual offending against vulnerable children.

“At Northamptonshire Police, we have a team of experts dedicated to catching those committing these types of crime and bringing them to justice.

“We are committed to safeguarding children by detecting abuse and prosecuting offenders.

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“We want to stop this exploitation and safeguard the most vulnerable in our society and ensure we continue to protect people from harm.

“I encourage anybody with any information about people viewing and sharing indecent images of children to report it immediately by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency.”