A Northampton man has been banned from keeping all animals for 10 years after his pet cat was left with an untreated leg fracture

Beauty will now be rehomedBeauty will now be rehomed
Beauty will now be rehomed
A member of the public reported concerns about a pet cat who had a 'serious' leg injury to the RSPCA, a court heard.

Thomas Keenan, 47, of Hamsterley Park, Northampton, pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to his cat, Beauty, when he appeared before magistrates’.

The court heard how the RSPCA were called in after receiving reports from a concerned member of the public who said Beauty had a serious leg injury which had not been treated.

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RSPCA Inspector Michelle Hare visited on July 13 and could see that there was a problem with Beauty’s back left leg.

The RSPCA believe Beauty may have been involved in a car accidentThe RSPCA believe Beauty may have been involved in a car accident
The RSPCA believe Beauty may have been involved in a car accident

The leg was twisted inwards and looked floppy, the cat was unable to put any weight on it so, with Keenan’s permission, she took Beauty for veterinary treatment.

The vet said that Beauty had a broken femur and the bone had rubbed on her skin causing an abscess which had become infected.

He added that he estimated the pet had suffered for about three weeks.

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Beauty had her leg amputated but has made a great recovery and has now been rehomed by the RSPCA.

Inspector Hare said: “We still are not sure how Beauty came to be injured but believed she may have been involved in a car accident.

“She had a nasty injury and she was struggling to walk so should have been taken to the vets straight away. Many vets will offer a payment plan to help spread the cost and there are charities who can help with vet bills.”.”

As well as the ban on keeping animals Keenan was ordered to pay £385 costs, ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.

His other two cats will also be rehomed by the RSPCA.

In mitigation the court was told at the hearing, on Monday October 7, that Keenan was aware of the injury but could not afford the veterinary treatment.

He was also said to be remorseful.