Man jailed after sprinting down Northampton train tracks and attacking staff

Picture released by British Transport Police.Picture released by British Transport Police.
Picture released by British Transport Police.
Footage shows a man sprinting down the railway tracks at Northampton railway station shortly after attacking railway staff.

In the minutes afterwards, Aleksandrs Morozevics also racially abused and tried head-butting an off-duty police officer.He continued his barrage of abuse against emergency workers when he was arrested and taken into custody – spitting at three officers and hitting two in the face.Morozevics, 40, of Church Lane in Northampton, was jailed for 26 weeks at Northampton Magistrates' Court on Thursday, October 10.The court heard Morozevics had charged through an open ticket barrier while on his way to a train on Monday, September 9.He then began swearing at a ticket inspector when he was asked for a ticket and kicked and shoved at other staff members who came to help.When confronted by an off-duty officer, he jumped onto the tracks and ran off – the trains were stopped causing delays and a cancellation.When the off-duty officer caught up to Morozevics he was racially abused, spat at and nearly head-butted.Throughout his arrest Morozevics continued to be aggressive, yelling obscenities, racial abuse, and spitting at officers.In total, Morozevics committed 10 offences – three counts of common assault against rail staff, one count of assault on the off-duty officer, and three counts of assault on the officers in custody.He also resisted arrest and put his life in danger by trespassing on the railway. PC Stuart Long, of the British Transport Police, said: “These were vicious and disgusting assaults on officers and staff. None were warranted, there was no provocation, and Morozevics had no other reason for his behaviour other than he’s a violent person.“We work very closely with our colleagues in the rail industry and partner police forces – at no point will dealing with this behaviour be seen as just part of the job and we will always push to ensure offenders see the full consequences.”