Northampton father who fell asleep at the wheel with wife and two children on board spared jail

A Northampton father crashed on the A45 after falling asleep at the wheel for less than 10 seconds.A Northampton father crashed on the A45 after falling asleep at the wheel for less than 10 seconds.
A Northampton father crashed on the A45 after falling asleep at the wheel for less than 10 seconds.
"I have to sentence you under tragic circumstances in that you are aware that you've injured the three most precious people in your life"

It only took 10 seconds for a Northampton father to fall asleep at the wheel on the A45 and crash into the back of a lorry at 35mph with his entire family on board.

The 38-year-old driver had been driving for hours at the time of the crash at around 11.30pm in August last year, but passed up a chance to stop at the Northampton Services on J15A as they were only a few miles from home.

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But only minutes later, he smashed into the back of a stationary car transporter with his wife and two young children on board.

Northampton Crown Court heard yesterday (July 24) how the father-of-three - who cannot be named out of respect for his children - was speaking with his wife just seconds before the accident.

"There was a point where she stopped talking for around 10 seconds and was looking at her phone," Prosecutor Stephen Kemp told the judge. "This was obviously when he fell asleep.

"The driver of the car behind the defendant's car saw it veer across the lane at a sharp angle and smash into a car transporter parked in a lay-by."

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The father-of-two sustained hand injuries in the crash - but all both of his children and his wife were rushed to hospital with severe injuries. His son received extensive treatment in intensive care and was hospitalised for three weeks. His daughter was unconscious for four days.

The 38-year-old father appeared in court yesterday after pleading guilty at the first opportunity for causing serious injury by dangerous driving, with a starting point of 30-months in prison.

But, in a statement read out by Mr Kemp, the man's wife said: "My husband has been such a support to me and our children.

"Both of our children have been discharged from the care of the hospital. They are happy, fit and healthy, and have returned to school.

"We as a family are ready to put this behind us."

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In sentencing, His Honour Judge Rupert Mayo said: "I have to sentence you under tragic circumstances today in that you are aware that you've injured the three most precious people in your life.

"That came about because you took the decision to drive when you knew you were tired.

"Despite the fact you were just miles from your home, you fell asleep at the wheel and injured your wife and children.

"But I agree that if you were to go to prison today the true consequences would be for your family who would lose your support."

The father-of-two was handed a 20-month prison sentence suspended for 22 months. He was also disqualified from driving and will pay a £500 fine.