Two fined after flytipped waste dumped on Northamptonshire highway

Flytipping found in Geddington.Flytipping found in Geddington.
Flytipping found in Geddington.
Two people have been fined £300 by Kettering Council after paying an unlicenced waste carrier to take their rubbish, only for them to dump it on a highway.

The first incident arose in November from flytipping found on the slip road from Desborough Road joining the A427 in Stoke Albany.

The waste was from a commercial address in Corby, and the owner was unable to produce the waste transfer notes to show it had been disposed of legally and correctly.

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He admitted he had paid someone in a van to take away the rubbish for him, but did not check they were a licensed carrier for waste.

Flytipping found in Desborough Road.Flytipping found in Desborough Road.
Flytipping found in Desborough Road.

They were not, and the rubbish was dumped. 

A fixed penalty notice of £300 was issued as businesses have a duty of care to ensure their waste is correctly disposed of.

A second flytipping incident was discovered in a gateway at Grange Road, Geddington, in December.

Following an investigation, a fixed penalty notice of £300 was issued to a Rothwell woman who had paid an undisclosed third party with a van to remove her waste.

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Flytipping found in Desborough Road.Flytipping found in Desborough Road.
Flytipping found in Desborough Road.

The notice was issued for failure to produce a waste transfer note for controlled waste from her premises.

Shirley Plenderleith, head of public services at Kettering Council, said: “Flytipping not only blights neighbourhoods but costs time and money to remove it – resources that would be better spent elsewhere.

“Kettering Council takes flytipping offences very seriously and will prosecute offenders where possible.

“I would urge anyone who spots flytippers to report it to the council on 01536 410333 or online at”

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A Kettering Council spokesman said: “Kettering Council advises all residents and businesses of the importance of disposing of waste correctly through a licensed waste carrier, through the council’s bulky waste collection service, or at the Household Waste Recycling Centre.

“The register of waste carriers can be found on the Environment Agency website and householders can book bulky waste collections with our Customer Services Centre on 01536 410333.

“We will continue to enforce and will prosecute anyone not disposing of their waste responsibly.”