Hundreds voice objections to Northamptonshire housing plans

The red lines on this aerial shot show the proposed development site boundary.The red lines on this aerial shot show the proposed development site boundary.
The red lines on this aerial shot show the proposed development site boundary.
A public consultation over plans for more than 300 houses on land to the south of Desborough has seen an overwhelming objection to the application.

An outline application for up to 304 dwellings in a development between Rothwell Road and Sycamore Drive was submitted to Kettering Council earlier this month.

The application, made by Central England Co-Operative Ltd, would see houses built, associated access, infrastructure, a public open space and nature area.

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Residents in the town have already made their voices – but the public consultation has seen hundreds show their dissatisfaction with the plans.

One response read: “I believe that the proposed development is inappropriate because there are more acceptable sites available which are currently providing sufficient development.

“The proposed development would reduce the green space available and be detrimental to wildlife and residents.

“Also, the facilities in Desborough ie doctors, schools, libraries, etc are already overstretched with current developments without increasing the population even further.”

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Another read: “There are a number of sites that have been identified in Desborough suitable for housing, this one is one that is unique in the town, meadows and grassland by a river and already popular with locals.

“This is shown by the number of people that use Tailby’s Meadow, and the different routes that can be accessed to get there, especially on foot.

“Opening the rest of the valley would be popular, but building houses along the valley will just create a scene that is replicated in any town.

“One of the most ill thought-out ideas is the filling of the Damms field with housing, a beautiful valley rising up to St Giles Church, which will be gone for ever.

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“There is no place in this part of Desborough for such intrusion.”

Another read: “Local schools and doctors are all full to capacity now.

“It is impossible to get appointments and the only local secondary school for both Desborough and Rothwell is Montsaye, already bursting at the seams.

“Havelock and Loatlands primary schools are likewise.

“Unless more local amenities and infrastructure are also provided this new housing will kill the town.”

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The application from the developers reads: “Our aim is to create a development of high quality homes with a mix of tenures for south Desborough.

“The new, sustainable neighbourhood will be well connected to the surrounding areas and incorporate green recreational spaces and pocket parks and allotments.

“Bordering the Green Belt with views across the River Ise, the new development will sit in harmony with its surroundings, enhancing the characteristics of this unique area.”

A decision is expected by April 19 this year.