'I just pushed him out the door and kept hold of the bag': Northampton teenager describes how he fought off gun-wielding robber

Ajay Bajwa and his mum Davinder Kaur were at their family store in Wootton when a robber burst in carrying a BB gun.Ajay Bajwa and his mum Davinder Kaur were at their family store in Wootton when a robber burst in carrying a BB gun.
Ajay Bajwa and his mum Davinder Kaur were at their family store in Wootton when a robber burst in carrying a BB gun.
A brave teenager who grabbed a bag of money out of the hands of a gun-wielding robber says he was just acting on impulse.

Northampton College student Ajay Bajwa was helping his mum at their family-owned Premier store in High Street, Wootton, when a man burst in carrying a firearm on Tuesday night demanding cash from the tills.

But rather than let the pistol-toting man make off with hundreds of pounds, Ajay refused to let go of the bag of money before turfing the robber out of the door.

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“I just pushed him out of the door and kept hold of the bag, I wasn’t really thinking,” said the 18-year-old.

“He carried on looking at me for two seconds and then just ran off - he nearly got hit by a car.”

Police are appealing for witnesses to the robbery, which happened at around 7pm on Tuesday (November 7).

It is now believed the man, about 6ft 2 inches tall, of medium build and dressed all in black, was carrying a pellet gun. But Ajay said he was not aware of that at the time. He said: “It looked real, I could see into the barrel and everything.”

If you have any information about the robbery, call No the police on 101.