Man charged with Northampton town centre stabbing allegedly 'kicked in the head' by victim while being arrested

Abington Street was cordoned off after the incident on Saturday (May 13).Abington Street was cordoned off after the incident on Saturday (May 13).
Abington Street was cordoned off after the incident on Saturday (May 13).
A 22-year-old charged with stabbing another man in the back in Northampton town centre at the weekend has appeared at court.

Herchel Soltz, of no fixed abode, appeared in front of JPs at Northampton Magistrates' Court this morning charged with wounding and possessing an offensive weapon

It is alleged that, on Saturday, Soltz stabbed another man in the back in Abington Street by the BBC Radio Northampton offices.

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Prosecutor Sukhy Singh said the defendant was arrested at the scene, however, no knife was recovered.

Mr Singh also told the court that Soltz was allegedly "kicked to the head" by the man he was accused of stabbing while being arrested.

The alleged stabbing victim had also been charged with common assault, the court heard.

Soltz appeared in the dock this morning wearing a grey tracksuit, speaking only to confirm his name.

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Chairman of the magistrates' bench John Butler sent the case to Northampton Crown Court as it was deemed outside of the lower court's jurisdiction.

Soltz was remanded into custody and will appear in front of a judge at a later date.