Man left with stitches after being struck on the head with 'sharp instrument' outside Northampton bar

A witness appeal has been launched following an assault in Northampton town centre.A witness appeal has been launched following an assault in Northampton town centre.
A witness appeal has been launched following an assault in Northampton town centre.
Officers are appealing for witnesses following an assault outside a Northampton nightspot.

The incident took place outside Borjia Bar in Castilian Street, on Sunday, December 3, between 3.30am and 4am when a man struck the victim on the head with an unknown sharp instrument, causing a cut which required stitches.

A spokeswoman for Northamptonshire Police said: "The offender is described as a tall man, of medium build, with black hair - short back and sides, a beard and wearing a black and red jacket."

Anyone with information should call Northamptonshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, in confidence, on 0800 555111.