More than 300 town centres join Northampton in bid for share of Future High Streets Fund

Northampton town centreNorthampton town centre
Northampton town centre
Northampton is facing tough competition for a share of the £675 million Future High Streets Fund after it was revealed more than 300 local authorities have applied.

The fund has been offered to transform local high streets into "modern, vibrant community hubs".

Local authorities can bid for up to £25 million and Northampton submitted its bid last month with plans to improve Market Square, renovate Gold Street and rethink the eastern section of Abington Street.

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The bid has been put forward by 'Northampton Forward', which is made up of leaders from the borough council, the Grosvenor's Centre, Tricker's Shoes, the University of Northampton and more.

Members of Northampton Forward, who submitted the bid for a share of the High Street FundMembers of Northampton Forward, who submitted the bid for a share of the High Street Fund
Members of Northampton Forward, who submitted the bid for a share of the High Street Fund

High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP said: “More than 300 bids to the Future High Street Fund is a fantastic response and shows the passion across the country to meet the challenges facing our high streets head-on.

“The Government has the power to set the direction but those on the ground know best.

“I look forward to reviewing the innovative proposals from local leaders to transform our high streets and town centres and make them fit for the future."

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Speaking last month when the bid was submitted, Northampton Borough Council Leader and Chair of Northampton Forward councillor Jonathan Nunn, said: "This project will showcase our town as a place that is ambitious and proud and needs support through significant change in the physical environment to realise its full potential.

“The sheer breadth of support for this project is staggering. Our fully inclusive approach will ensure that we continue to deliver in line with our bold aspirations."