Northampton teenager, Lizzie grateful for National Citizen Service boost to confidence

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A Northampton teenager is flying the flag for the National Citizen Service (NCS) after finding that her new-found confidence has helped boost her A-Level studies.

17-year-old Lizzie Nash took part in the NCS summer programme and is now encouraging others to take part in the scheme.

Speaking about her experience she said: “I started NCS feeling unsure about what I would get out of it but it really was a life changing experience for me.

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“Before NCS I was quite shy and couldn’t speak to more than six people in a group but now I am calm and confident making class presentations as part of my A-Levels and this is thanks to NCS.

“We did loads of fun bonding activities and group work such as presentations which boosted my confidence to the point where I even performed in the talent show.

“NCS can seem like a scary thing but it’s really not once you get there.

“It’s an incredibly worthwhile scheme and it’s given me great lifelong friends and so many life skills that I am very grateful for – I would 100 per cent recommend NCS to anyone.”

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NCS is a unique programme open to all 16 and 17-year-olds in Northamptonshire and is focused around fun and discovery, with participants spending time away from home, learning skills for life and volunteering at least 30 hours to a community project they create.

To date almost 500,000 young people have taken part in NCS with more than ten million hours of social action completed.

Places on the autumn NCS programme are now available with the programme starting on Friday, October 19, 2018.

For further information and to sign up to the autumn NCSEM1 programme 16 and 17-year-olds should visit or call 01522 574101.