Open verdict recorded after death of popular singer from Northamptonshire town

An inquest took place at Northampton General HospitalAn inquest took place at Northampton General Hospital
An inquest took place at Northampton General Hospital
A popular 22-year-old singer from Towcester who was found dead at his home is 'sadly missed by his family and his many friends', an inquest heard.

Stuart Clark, who worked as an assistant manager in the Corals Bookmakers in the town, died at his home address on July 20 last year.

An inquest at Northampton General Hospital heard Mr Clark, who also previously worked at The Saracen’s head pub, had graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a degree in drama and performing arts.

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A statement read to the inquest on behalf of his mother Yvonne stated he was her “soulmate” and a “loving son and brother” to his two older siblings.

The inquest heard Mr Clark loved performing in front of a crowd and had even auditioned for the ITV1 show X Factor.

A postmortem report carried out by Dr David Fattah, a consultant histopathologist, concluded that the cause of Mr Clark’s death was “unascertained”.

County coroner Anne Pember recorded an open verdict.