Letter: Gritting should be for the benefit of all in Northampton, not just council and university staff

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Letter writer Geri Rutgers was angered during an evening walk to see gritters being used for the sole benefit of Northampton Borough Council and University of Northampton staff...

Out on my evening dog walk today, I spotted the familiar sight of a bright yellow gritter with amber flashing lights, and thought “excellent, the council are making the public thoroughfares safe for the taxpayer’s of Northampton”.

Oh, what a fool!

No, the gritter was merrily spraying grit around the Claret car park at Franklin’s Gardens, having already done the Green and Gold car park, and was being followed by workmen liberally spraying the pavements around the car parks.

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For those not in the know, these car parks are used by council employees and University of Northampton staff and students, who enjoy subsidised park and ride facilities into Angel Square and the university campus.

At a time when the council has confirmed that major routes in and around the town are to receive no gritting over the winter period, this smacks of blatant hypocrisy.

No doubt the council will state that the gritting is being carried out as part of the contract to provide parking facilities, but this contract is being paid for from council tax receipts, our money, and should be spent on providing services to those most in need and not the few privileged enough to work for the council and university.

Geri Rutgers, by email