Letter: Never again should we read negative headlines about migrant workers...they have been vital to our public services

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Letters to the editor

Your columnist Rachel McGrath is absolutely right that society will have to change once normal life has resumed (We need to re-think society, April 16).

One aspect of the crisis that should not escape the attention of politicians and opinion formers is the contribution made by black and minority ethnic people. It should never again be forgotten that 44 per cent of NHS medical staff are BAME.

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At the time of writing 12 medics have lost their lives in the fight against Covid 19 in this country. Strikingly all have been black and minority ethnic. All of these dedicated NHS doctors and nurses were either immigrants to this country or were descended from immigrants.

Never again should we have to read headlines about immigrant and asylum seeker “scroungers” and political parties should never again be allowed to get away with demonising people who in moving to this country have made a huge contribution to our society and our vital public services.

John Clarke

By email

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