'Northampton's famous sons are quite rightly honoured with statues'

Spencer PercevalSpencer Perceval
Spencer Perceval
Letter to the editor

I have to confess that I felt a large degree of empathy with the protestors who tore down Edward Colston’s statue during the recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations. He may have done some good in his home town but that hardly compensated for his very active and profitable part in the slave trade.

It also made me think about our two “notables” commemorated in statues in Northampton town centre.

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Spencer Perceval – the Northampton MP, sadly still little-known in the town in spite of his being the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated - seems secure in his place at the Town Hall. He supported William Wilberforce in his struggle to abolish slavery.

Charles BradlaughCharles Bradlaugh
Charles Bradlaugh

And Charles Bradlaugh, among many progressive causes, supported the dismantling of the British Empire and home rule for Ireland. May he long occupy his plinth on Abington Square.

I think they are safe – though I will be willing, if rather disappointed, to be corrected.

Alex Wood

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