Panels bid to see shops carry 'dementia friendly' recognisable logo in Northampton

There is 16 dementia friendly communities in the East Midlands and Northampton is also hoping to add to the list.There is 16 dementia friendly communities in the East Midlands and Northampton is also hoping to add to the list.
There is 16 dementia friendly communities in the East Midlands and Northampton is also hoping to add to the list.
A council panel has been set up to make Northampton a 'dementia friendly' town in a bid to create a better quality of life for both the sufferer and their care giver.

As part of a new initiative to create a safer community for people with dementia, business owners, bank owners and faith communities are being asked to interact more positively with dementia residents.

Chair of the Dementia Friendly Town scrutiny panel, Councillor Cathrine Russell (Lab, Kingsley) said: "The focus of the overview and scrutiny panel is to raise awareness in Northampton of the importance of supporting individuals who may have dementia as well as creating a safer and more friendly town for family and carers.

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One practical aim for the panel is to bring about an easily recognisable logo, which could be displayed in cafe's or shops, to make people with dementia feel at ease or a place to talk to other carers.

As part of the review, the panel says making Northampton a dementia friendly town would increase community safety through the better protection of elders and more family members would seek diagnosis earlier, resulting in better treatment or care management, earlier connection to support resources and improved decision-making.

Council papers say there are currently 16 dementia friendly communities in the East Midlands and many more around the country, in particular, they are looking into Lutterworth, a town which has already introduced dementia friendly measures.

Cabinet Member for housing and wellbeing, councillor Stephen Hibbert (Con, Riverside) attended the Prime Minister's champion group AGM - the dementia friendly generation event - chaired by Angela Rippon on September 12 in London.

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As a result of the meeting, he has suggested involving scouts clubs in the future to help fundraise for dementia events as well as putting dementia messages on bus passes to make travelling easier for sufferers.