Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab agrees to meet Harry Dunn's family again to 'find common ground'

Harry DunnHarry Dunn
Harry Dunn
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is set to meet Harry Dunn's parents again to 'find common ground and a way forward' as they keep up the campaign to get justice for their son.

The Northamptonshire family want to question the senior politican on what has been done by the British government to help the family since the crash outside Croughton in August.

Family spokesman Radd Seiger's letter also asked for clarity on whether Anne Sacoolas - the driver who has admitted causing the accident - had diplomatic immunity or not.

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"Although it is the parents’ position that it is you, their foreign secretary, who should be approaching them with updates in this matter, and notwithstanding everything that has gone before, the family are willing to reach out to you again with a view to arranging a further meeting with you urgently," it read.

(L-R) Harry Dunn's mother Charlotte Charles, family spokesman Radd Seiger and Harry's father Tim Dunn. Photo: Getty Images(L-R) Harry Dunn's mother Charlotte Charles, family spokesman Radd Seiger and Harry's father Tim Dunn. Photo: Getty Images
(L-R) Harry Dunn's mother Charlotte Charles, family spokesman Radd Seiger and Harry's father Tim Dunn. Photo: Getty Images

"If you are willing to meet with them and me, we will attend any such meeting in good faith."

The relationship between the family and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has soured ever since their first meeting when they believed they were going to be receiving good news from Mr Raab.

But they described his manner as 'stiff' and were told Mrs Sacoolas has diplomatic immunity and efforts were being made to get it waived.

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Mr Raab's statement in the House of Commons a few weeks later saying the suspect, having left the UK, no longer had the benefit of diplomatic immunity confused matters further.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. Photo: Getty ImagesForeign Secretary Dominic Raab. Photo: Getty Images
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. Photo: Getty Images

"The parents would like a detailed explanation from you as to how that very damaging meeting was allowed to transpire despite us having been lured to the meeting on a false pretence and that there would be good news," Mr Seiger's letter reads.

"As you may have heard after the meeting outside your door, the parents were extremely upset with you."

Despite public comments from Mr Raab saying the Government is on the family's side, they have started legal proceedings against the FCO to try to start a judicial review into its conduct.

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Mr Raab wrote to the family to say the FCO will be seeking costs from them if it fails, adding to the ill-feeling.

It all came to a head when Harry father Tim Dunn tried to speak to Mr Raab at a hustings in his Surrey constituency but was not allowed in, before being told his behaviour was 'not on' by the politician.

An FCO spokesman said: “We have deep sympathy for Harry’s family. We have done and will continue to do everything we properly can to ensure that justice is done.

“The foreign secretary gladly accepted the Dunn family’s request for a meeting, he has always said he would be happy to meet the family again.”

The family has also written to the White House to try to arrange another meeting with Donald Trump following their snub while he was in the UK for the Nato summit.