PICTURE GALLERY: Lambing season in full swing at Northamptonshire farm

Lily Baish, six, and brother Jack Baish, eight, with week-old twin lambs at West LodgeLily Baish, six, and brother Jack Baish, eight, with week-old twin lambs at West Lodge
Lily Baish, six, and brother Jack Baish, eight, with week-old twin lambs at West Lodge
Youngsters have the chance to feed the first lambs of the year at Desborough's West Lodge Rural Centre.

The lambs have started to arrive and staff at the farm say they are expecting more to be born during the half-term week.

They also have a number of kid goats, with the new offspring being bottle-fed three times a day in the display barn.

Throughout this week and at weekends, families can meet the lambs at 11am and 3pm and meet the kid goats at 1pm.

For more information go to www.westlodgeruralcentre.co.uk.

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