Protest over fly-tipping and littering in Northampton to take place this weekend

An overflowing bin in NorthamptonAn overflowing bin in Northampton
An overflowing bin in Northampton
Northampton residents have organised a peaceful protest to show their unhappiness at the town's litter and fly-tipping situation.

As well as expressing their disappointment, demonstrators will also issue a strategy on reducing the amount of litter and a plan of action to take action on the illegal fly-tipping they say is a daily occurrence.

Tom Appleyard, 58, from Kingsthorpe organised the 'love where you live' protest along with 71-year-old Nick Phillips from Spinney Hill.

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"Really the problem is not rubbish, the problem is we don't have a plan to deal with the rubbish," said Mr Appleyard.

Fly-tipped rubbish in NorthamptonFly-tipped rubbish in Northampton
Fly-tipped rubbish in Northampton

"The only way to stop it is to stop it getting there in the first place.

"We need all the agencies - schools, business, shops - to be involved with it top to bottom, and that way we will get a plan."

Mr Appleyard hopes that by teaching children the effects of littering it will prevent the next generation from dropping rubbish.

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He suggests getting wildlife protection rangers into assemblies for talks.

"The protest is not all about the council," said Mr Appleyard.

"It's also to tell people to stop dropping their rubbish."Protesters will gather outside All Saints Church in Northampton town centre from 1pm to 2pm on Saturday, August 18.