Refuse planning applications from Northampton businesses that leave bins on the street, demands Labour

Commercial bins are one of the blights on the town, according to the Northampton Labour GroupCommercial bins are one of the blights on the town, according to the Northampton Labour Group
Commercial bins are one of the blights on the town, according to the Northampton Labour Group
Commercial bins that attract 'rats, cockroaches and vermin' should be tackled with tough measures, Northampton's Labour Group has said.

They have targeted refuse as one of the great blights on the town and are now highlighting businesses who have a disregard for the look of their street.

Councillor Danielle Stone, Northampton Labour leader, said the problem is often caused by traders who have contracts with private waste collection services.

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She said: “These great big commercial bins are an eyesore all over the town.

“The lids are often not locked and bins are often overflowing with rubbish.”

The Labour group said the commercial bins often attract other refuse and makes people feel justified in dumping black sacks and other fly-tipping.

Councillor Stone said: “We will be arguing that the borough council takes some practical measures; instructs planning officers not to allow new applications where waste bins cannot be kept off the street; works with existing traders to ensure their bins are labelled and locked.

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“We should even survey where the bins are left out on the streets and come up with local solutions agreed with traders to provide bin storage areas.”

The Labour group will bring up the issue with a motion at full council later this month.