Robbers took boy's bike as he rode along Northampton path

A boy was pushed off his bike and robbed in Northampton.A boy was pushed off his bike and robbed in Northampton.
A boy was pushed off his bike and robbed in Northampton.
A 16-year-old boy was pushed over on a path in Northampton before robbers rode off on the boy's bike.

Witnesses are being sought following the robbery on Saturday, March 11.

Sometime between 8.30pm and 9pm, the 16-year-old boy was cycling through the Kingsthorpe entrance of Bradlaugh Fields. When he was on the path where it splits into two, between the green gates and the cut-through to Moulton, he was pushed from his bike by two teenagers who then took it.

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The first offender is described as white, in his late teens, around 6ft, with wide shoulders but a skinny build and wearing black tracksuit bottoms, a blue-zipped hooded top and black gloves.

The second offender is described as black, between 16 and 19 years old, with a stockier build, wearing a black hooded top and black tracksuit bottoms.

Witnesses can contact police on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 111 555.

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