Sleep rough at Sixfields and raise money for homelessness in Northampton, says charity

Last year's Big Sleep Out raised over 45,000.Last year's Big Sleep Out raised over 45,000.
Last year's Big Sleep Out raised over 45,000.
A Northampton homelessness charity is holding a sponsored night of rough sleeping at the home of the Cobblers.

Sixfields Stadium is this year's venue for the Northampton Hope Centre's Big Sleep Out on January 26.

The homelessness support charity aims to see over 180 people on the night and break their £60,000 fundraising record.

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Community fundraiser at the Hope Centre Tanya Haji-Miller said: "We want to challenge you to abandon your comfort zone and negotiate a night's sleep in a safe but cold and uncomfortable environment.

“If you fancy a New Year’s challenge with a real difference, get your friends and family to join you for a night I’m sure you won’t forget.”

The Big Sleep Out challenges participants to build their shelter for the night out of cardboard and bring it to the site along with blankets, duvets and sleeping bags to stay warm.

Last year, Abington Park hosted over 150 rough sleepers and raised over £45,000.

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This year, sleepers will camp outside the home of the Northampton Town Football Club at Sixfields Stadium, behind the North Stand.

Tanya said: "The Big Sleep Out is always a fantastic Even, even if the weather can be a bit temperamental at times.

"It is tough but that's what makes it such a rewarding experience for people taking part. It's fun as well as serious."

With a month to go, 120 are so far registered for the night.

For more information or to register for the event, email [email protected].