University of Northampton graduate's work coming to a screen near you !

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A University of Northampton graduate now has millions of people across the globe, admiring his work, every time they turn on their mobile phones.

Peter Crawley was chosen to design a start-up sequence for Motorola’s mobile handsets, after his work caught the eye of a fellow Northampton graduate, who works for the telecoms giant.

The design features his specialist ‘stitched illustrations’, in which he hand-pierces paper with a pin, and then stitches it with a needle and thread.

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Peter, who graduated from the Product Design course in 2006, first hit upon his stitched illustration concept following a US road trip with four fellow Northampton graduates in 2008.

An experiment to remind him of the journey lead to the technique, he said: “We drove 3,500 miles coast-to-coast and saw some amazing things.

“I wanted a physical reminder of the trip on my wall - not photos - I discovered a way to illustrate the route, rather than one moment along it.”

He feels his time at The University of Northampton on the BSc Product Design course gave him the perfect grounding for success in the creative industries.

He added: “The course had a great mix of creative, technical and business elements.”