'˜We are not crazy cat ladies!' Single Northamptonshire woman fronts campaign to dispel dating stigma

Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly CatoRuth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato
Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato
A Northamptonshire cat owner is leading a campaign to dispel the myths of the '˜crazy cat lady' stereotype after a survey revealed it was impacting on single women finding love.

Ruth Adams, 51, from Pitsford, was photographed in her home with her pet cat, Titus, aged 9, as part of the promotion by Match dating service.

Match polled 500 single female cat owners. Sixty-two percent believe their pet carries a stigma, and could be harming their chances in the dating game.

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About 23 percent worry that potential partners could associate them with the ‘crazy cat lady’ stereotype, while 21 percent said they would wait to see how their date felt about cats before admitting to owning one.

Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly CatoRuth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato
Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato

In reality, however, the majority of Brits believe these fears are outdated. As celebrities post cute cat pics on Instagram and with the rising trend of cat cafes, the research shows three quarters (74 per cent) of Brits believe these feline fears are untrue, stating it is completely normal for a woman to own a cat. Over a quarter (26 percent) of 18-24-year-olds believe that celebs such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran lend a trendier and more attractive image to cat owners.

More than half of Brits (56 percent) said they would have no issue dating a cat owner, with a quarter (25 per cent) believing that it shows a caring side to a potential partner’s personality. Only 6 per cent of those surveyed believed that a woman owning a cat was a sign she was lonely – and one in ten (ten per cent) stated they would love their date to own a cat.

This view only changes once the number of cats reaches three – at this point, owners start to stray into territory dangerously close to that of their stereotype. Which is good news, as more than three quarters of cat owners (77 percent) say they would never date someone who asked them to choose between them and their beloved feline.

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Looking to address the outdated stigma attached to ‘crazy cat ladies’, Match has worked with street Instagrammer Holly-Marie Cato to capture images of single female cat owners in their home environments, highlighting their beauty and confidence alongside their cat. As these singles grant us a glimpse into their private surroundings, Cato is hoping to instil pride in their owners, whilst challenging the stigma.

Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly CatoRuth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato
Ruth Adams, 51, from Northamptonshire, with her cat Titus, aged 9. Picture: Holly Cato

Holly-Marie Cato, photographer and prolific Instagrammer, said: “It’s amazing to help match dispel the stereotype that surrounds single women with cats.

“The women that have allowed us to come into their home and document their relationship with their cats have been a mixture of fun, sophisticated, creative and cool, and all have a shared love for their four legged furry friends.”

Kate Taylor, dating and relationship expert for Match, added: “If your date owns a cat, you’ve truly hit the dating jackpot.

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People who own pets typically make great partners as they’re generally responsible and caring people. Cat owners don’t tend to be clingy - they are happy to share their lives with an independent pet who has its own life and have the time to socialise without having the ties of a needier pet, such as a dog.

“If you own a cat, talk about it with pride! But don’t let it take over your dating profile or dominate your conversation on the first date. As with every hobby or interest, your cat should form part of your life, not become all of it.

“Always ensure your date knows there is still room in your heart for someone else, even if they can never be as fluffy and cute as your cat!”