Did Kevin van Veen go too far with his celebration?

Kevin van Veen's celebration did not go down well with Cobblers fans. Picture: Pete NortonKevin van Veen's celebration did not go down well with Cobblers fans. Picture: Pete Norton
Kevin van Veen's celebration did not go down well with Cobblers fans. Picture: Pete Norton
As if Cobblers fans were not already having a bad day half-an-hour into Saturday's game at Scunthorpe United, Kevin van Veen then decided to make it a whole lot worse.

United were leading 2-0 when the former Cobblers striker, who experienced something of a love-hate relationship with fans in his time at Northampton, added a superb third, swivelling with his back to goal and finding the top corner.

Not only was it an untimely reminder of his flawed genius, he also rubbed the away fans' noses in it by celebrating right in front of their faces.

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Referee Trevor Kettle had a word with van Veen but did not book him, perhaps wrongly, and he was prevented from doing any further damage when taken off with a foot injury at half-time.

With his focus elsewhere given the game situation, Cobblers captain Charlie Goode says he was not fazed by van Veen's celebration.

“I think you’ll see some players that celebrate and there’ll be others who won’t but, whether he celebrated or not, I’m focused on trying to get back into the game at that point," he said.

“We’re disappointed but a celebration is a celebration and I’m not going to look too much into that.

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“He was obviously at the club before and I’m sure some fans will see it as being disrespectful but I guess that’s his choice.”

Van Veen's goal and then Vadaine Oliver's red card was the icing on the cake as Cobblers fell to a heavy defeat.

Asked if he feels luck is going against them, Matty Warburton said: "No. The gaffer said something afterwards about being unlucky and I think that'll probably stick with us in terms of making your own luck because we just weren't good enough.

"We can't make excuses. Chaz is obviously a big player but if he misses out someone else is expected to come in and step up, same with others.

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"It's our job as players to go out and do the business out there and if it's not going for us then we need to make it happen.

"It's not the right time to make excuses. Chaz was ill, Linesy was ill etc, none of that - we need to make sure we put it right next week and we follow through with good performances."

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